Visual Intensity 4
Visual Intensity - Issue 4 (1994-05-29)(Dual 4Mat)(Disk 2 of 3).adf
Text File
526 lines
I N T E R V I E W W I T H T U M M O / D U A L 4 M A T
I N T E R V I E W E R - W A T T S / D U A L 4 M A T
This interview first took place over
the phone but proved to be wey hey too
funny so I decided to cut the funny
crap stuff and get serious.
Right TUMMO no fucking about dude,
just some little questions.
{9WATTS {4: {6Please state your name,
handle, group, age and anything else
you can tell me.
{9TUMMO {4: {6John Tummon, my handle is
funnily enough TUMMO, I am a member of
that ever fluffy group Dual Format,
I'll be 20 by the time you've read
this (30th of March) I am 5 foot 10,
my hair is just a bit long (he he) and
I have recently quit college to allow
time for the scene!! Also I drink
obscene amounts of Guinness (ST
Patricks day!!!!) and playing Irish
music in a group which means that I
can get my Guinness for free and get
{9WATTS {4: {6What exactly do you do in the
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Fuck All, it's a myth!! No
seriously, I write music whenever I
can and swap loadsa jiffies, but lots
of people have been dropping swapping
which I think is a bollocks because
{te{6the entire scene and friendship is
based on these jiffy things and
without them there is no contact and
what's the point in that!
{9WATTS {4: {6 Have you ever ventured into
code or gfx or anything other than
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Code??? What??? No, not
code, I failed my O level maths 4
times, but I do like to muck around in
D-Paint, especially colour cycles
(read my article) although I have a
fair bit of artistic talent on paper
it never really made it onto the
computer but I do draw some iffy
things from time to time!!!
{9WATTS {4: {6 What do you think of the UK
scene and the scene in general?
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Erm, well, I seem to recall
the UK scene being a bit more active
but that's probably just me, trackmos
and the like are a bit thin on the
ground UK wise but it is a very
friendly scene in general with some
extremely talented guys lurking about.
In general I would say that the scene
has come on immensly on the technical
side of things but it no longer has
that certain charm for me that was
dominant in the 64 days and early
Amiga! I mean I used to love reading
scrollies as they were always a laugh
and I always found myself being able
to relate to some of the guys and
found myself wishing I was there with
them, whatever happened to Mahoney and
Kaktus and I miss the old Crusaders
and old Kefrens immensly! Nowadays
it's just a matter of "Here's our new
object", which is why I feel good
{te{6having my 64, 500, and 1200 so that I
can keep tabs on what was, what is and
what's to come!!
{9WATTS {4: {6 May I swear, are you elite?
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Jesus no!! If being elite
means not writing letters and just
swapping disks over forget it. In the
friendship stakes though I would say I
am as elite as friendly persons go,
music wise I would not say I am either
but I would most certainly like to
think that I am getting there,
brilliant samples do not a good tune
make but they help!!
{9WATTS {4:{6 Does elitism suck?
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Well it depends in watt (he
he) context it's used in, I mean if
it's your stereotyped unfriendly too
good to speak to anyone type person
then yeah it definitley does but if
you have some excellent active scene
guys like Laxity and Jester etc..
then no, because it gives you an idea
of what's possible, maybe something to
aim for in your field, you can learn
from people like this and then in turn
people can maybe learn from you and so
the scene will hopefully continue.
{9WATTS {4: {6 Which do you prefer lamer or
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Well again it boils down to
the old definition thingy. I mean if
a lamer is someone who steals your
disks and other things (Decker) then
fuck that, but if it is someone who is
not really that active or a begginer
then no because we were all the same
{te{6at one point. So I would say that I
prefer neither and just settle for a
good old fashioned bout of
{9WATTS {4: {6 Have you been to any UK scene
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Not yet!!! Although the
Summer is on its way and I already
have some money stashed and a
sometimes girlfriend who works in a
travel agency!! I also wanna try and
catch a decent rave!!!
{9WATTS {4: {6 What do you think of parties?
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Well I think that at the
minute the foreign dudes are the only
ones who seem to have it right (most
of the time), I mean there has to be
something said for huge venues loads
of like minded freaks and decent
organisation. I think they're bloody
marvellous although I aint been to one
(yet), it's always good to read about
the big ones like The Gathering and
WOC so in lots of money to come I may
get to one, although I can't see it,
nice thinking about it though!!
{9WATTS {4: {6 In your own opinion who is
the most productive scene guy in the
UK, and abroad?
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Oh shit! What a question,
why not ask me an easy one!!! To me
personally I haven't seen anyone in
particular in the UK that stands out,
as there is quite a bit going on at
the moment but UK group wise I would
say it is Dual Format (I would),
outside the UK is also not an easy
one, although the multi talented
{te{6Laxity would seem a fair bet, Jester
for toons and Facet for piccies I
{9WATTS {4: {6 Besides me and you (wish) who
would you say was the best UK
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Eh up, my window has just
closed itself which is quite handy as
it was raining! Sorry, no one I can
think of off hand and I am not
avoiding the question but the only one
that really sits in my mind from
looking back at productions like
Digital Inovation etc.. I would say
4Mat because to me as far as demos and
that go it would have to be 4Mat
because whatever it is he's got it and
I'm still looking for it!!! Although
the only UK musician that I follow to
the tune is Allister Brimble, yes I
know I know, but he started the same
as us all and fair fucks to him!!
Outside the UK the musician that I
think is the best and quite possibly
the best ever Amiga musician would
have to Bjornne (Dr. Awesome)
Lynne/ex Crusaders, I am still amazed
to hear that a lot of my music
contacts have never heard of him!!!!
{9WATTS {4: {6 Who is your best contact a
good all rounder, good letter, good
sends, pays the phone bill (hint
bloody hint)?
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Walking on thin ice a bit
this isn't it? Well at the beginning
it would have been Corn who now has a
sex life, a resteraunt a huge visa
bill and a BBS to worry about but we
still swap but more as a formal thing
coz we normally just chat on the phone
{te{6now. Also Andy-C was a good mate but
alas he has let college and work get
on top of him (weakling (he he)). As
it stands at the minute though there
are a few that keep my scene faith
going. Your goodself, although we
have to get a bigger jiffy, 14 disks
is a bit of a tight squeeze and I
can't fit any parsnips in!!! Staples,
who never seems to let things
interfere with his jiffies and Mikael
from Jonkoping in Sweden and not
forgetting good old Sable, this guy is
well sideways, his mum's friendly
too!! His letters are always the best
even though his sends aren't exactly
0-3 day but what the fuck does that
count for anyway. The best for sends
would have to be Mikael coz when I get
his jiffy it can usually keep me
covered in sends for the week!!! All
the above are really friendly guys and
phone calls are always a great
laugh!!! Who pays the bills? Well it
usually ends up being alternated so
that both sides get in equal amounts
of hassle!! Except for yourself Watts
who may have to get an earbending from
your other half (Hi Coreen (spelt
wrong!)). I always enjoy Sparkle's
letters when I get em!
{9WATTS {4: {6 Now a difficult one, if D.F
didn't exist who would you join?
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Well apart from yourself and
Sparkle, I hear so little from the
rest of them at the minute, that I
only get reminded of their existance
from VI or a proddy, but I know that
they are all a sound bunch of blokes
except for 4-Tey who I think is gone
(wanker). If they didn't exist I
wouldn't be doing this in the first
{te{6place but if Sparkle did die properly
and it was contageous and the whole
group died I would probably carry on
mailtrading and keep my eyes open for
a bit and if nothing came of it I
would probably sell up shop and buy a
Korg M1, although I would keep my 500
as it is so much better than this
shitty 1200!!!
{9WATTS {4:{6 What is your favourite music
away from the scene?
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Oh bum... Right, Jungle
harcore, loads of it, huge amounts of
it, over 100 DJ tapes of it!!! Sven
Vaths Accident in Paradise, Rap ala
Ice Cube, Ice-T, NWA, Big Daddy Kane,
Cypress Hill etc.. Tocatta and Fuge
in D minor, Vivaldi's 4 seasons played
by Nigel Kennedy, The Grateful Dead,
Pink Floyd, The Doors, The Beatles,
Jefferson Airplane, Jethro Tull, a
group called I.Q. if anyone's ever
heard of them, Tubular bells 1 (not
2), Early Jarre, tapes of 64 tunes
(honest!), the Honourable Robert Nesta
Marley. There is more but I can't
think off hand a I have over 300 tapes
full of all kinds of shit and I always
buy originals when I can. Although I
would like to say that I HATE metal
and anything that's cash in commercial
and the chart music that ALL sounds
the same, I mean buy any one of the
hundreds of Dance compilations and you
may as well just play the same song
over and over, we already have dance
hits 94 vol.2 and it's only March,
nuff said, although each to his own.
Oh and I hate that bastard song Doop !
{9WATTS {4: {6 Do you have a favourite piece
of Amiga music?
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Yup, undoubtedly, Graveyard
by Fleshbrain, the amazing Moongazer
by Bjorne Lynne and that fucking
brilliant piece of smoke music, the
intro to Leander. Nebulos by
Audiomonster on the Silents Ice demo,
It's Just Sonorus by Jester (I think)
on an earlier Sanity music disk and at
the end of Digital Inovation by
Anarchy there was a little groovy
flute tune that played while some
fractal landscapes and text came on
the screen, I can't remeber the name
of it but it's another one that
springs to mind. Oh yes, Chris
Huelbeck's work on Turrican was brill!
Having said all this though there is
bound to be masses of toons that I
have not heard and would probably
change the above list if I did!!
{9WATTS {4: {6 What's the best thing that
has happened to you whilst on the
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Joining Dual Format, getting
to know some well nice people (when
are you coming over for that holiday?)
and having my tunes aired!!
{9WATTS {4: {6 Do you have any dreams, eg no
1 musician in UK charts or owt like
{9TUMMO {4:{6 Well not really although it
would be nice of course but I am happy
getting my tunes put out and I am even
happier if I get some constructive
feedback from them, good or bad
(although preferably good (he he)).
Although I expect to see Dual Format
making a well deserved, very big
{9WATTS {4: {6 How would you rate yourself
in the scene, out of a marks of ten,
and don't lie?
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Oh fuck off man, I'll hang
myself while I'm at it!!!
{9WATTS {4: {6 I'm led to believe you're a
bit fussy about your disk label
colour, you want em all pink or is it
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Well not so much labels but
disks, if I get an unusual one I copy
a sample disk onto it so that it gets
used, the BT ones are a bit spesh, I
like those clear ones (thanks for the
clear blue one this mornig by the way)
and I got a well weird Citroen branded
{9WATTS {4: {6 I know you're a member of
Dual Format, so how do you rate the
mag to other UK scene mags, better,
worse, the best ever?
{9TUMMO {4:{6 Without a doubt the best mag
the UK has seen, as long as it dosen't
become too sprawled like some others
it will continue to be so as well, I
mean it would achieve nothing by me
being biased anyway coz I just write
my articles for it the same as anyone
else, but it is a really good mag!!!
{9WATTS {4: {6 What hardware do you have?
{9TUMMO {4: {6 My cock!! No, it's a male
thing sorry!! I have a Stereo Master
sampler although its days are
numbered, a second disk drive (slim n
sexy) a megadrive joypad, a colour
portable telly so that I can watch
{te{6BBC2 and Channel 4 as well (he he), an
ashtray, 3 twindecks which are all
linked to my miggy, one is a
particularly good one and looks nice,
a 4 track mixing studio thingy which
is good fun and a Altai microphone, a
recently purchased 500 and an
incredibly naff 1200 (don't buy one,
they are a load of shite (wot no AGA
plasma?!?!)). That's about it I
think, except for my Donald Duck Pez
holder which is becoming dangerously
low on sweets (anybody help?!)
{9WATTS {4: {6 In a week, how long would you
say you dedicate to the scene, would
you say you're addicted to it?
{9TUMMO {4: {6 In a week I would spend on
average 55-60 hrs a week on my miggy,
say 3 of those hours are spent playing
games which I don't bother with too
much and hence don't have too many.
Funnily enough before I quit college
my mum said that my hobby was getting
out of hand and that I have been like
this ever since I got my 64 in '87 and
I smiled and said its not a hobby it's
an obsession, yes I am addicted, ever
since I saw a computer drawing little
sine patterns in a shop window when I
was ten. Anyway, I rarely go out,
when I do it's just to get pissed and
play some Irish music and apart from
smoking and smoking tobacco as well I
have no real vices, but my miggy
doesn't run my life though coz I have
to get me shag now and then and some
nights I just don't switch it on at
{9WATTS {4: {6 Who do you dislike the most
in the scene?
{te{9TUMMO {4: {6 D-Man, I know it may seemlike
jumping on the D-Man anti Nazi
bandwagon but I think this guy has a
serious psycological problem to come
out with a lot of the shit that he
did. Not forgetting my favourite
contact Decker (you lame piece of shit
sucking, monkey spunking flea ridden
{9WATTS {4: {6 Where does that handle of
yours come from or is it the obvious?
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Add an N to the end!!! No, I
didn't fancy a handle like anal
nitrate, or laxative so I just kept
the name that I have been called since
I was 9, TUMMO, it was back at the
time when MODS and Quadraphenia and
the like were fashionable at school so
like a Durkin became a durko, a McEvoy
became Maco and so on, I became Tummo
and it stuck ever since. It's got to
the stage where a lot of people who I
know and go out with don't know my
first name and take it for granted
that TUMMO is my first name, even my
bank letters have TUMMO on them! I
wonder how much it costs to have my
name changed officially?!?!?
{9WATTS {4: {6 How long are your contact
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Hang on, a really nice tune
called Street Knowledge has come on so
I wanna turn it up for a second and
enjoy a rollie.... Back again, well
what I get sent is what the person
gets back and I am lucky enough to
have good contacts so I usually wait
and reply to my jiffies at night so I
can justify myself with a good letter,
although if I have a fairly heavy
{te{6weekend and I have some jiffies lying
there I usually do a standard one
about the weekend, it is lame but it
rarely happens and if I have just
spent over an hour on the phone to one
of my contacts there is not much left
to write!! The longest I have written
would have been around 40K and the
shortest is going to be 6 letters long
to Decker (W-A-N-K-E-R).
{9WATTS {4:{6 How many contacts do you have
{9TUMMO {4: {6 Well at one point I had 35
but now it has dropped dramatically, I
don't know how many for sure but
people have been getting pissed off
with swapping which as I have said is
a bollocks, myself and the good Sable
are gonna launch a massive swapping
campaign and get back into some
serious swapping to revive our
{9TUMMO COMMENTS {4: {8 I wanna see more
active females on the scene coz I know
they are out there, friendship rules
forever and light another!!! Thank
you Dual Format and Watts for this